Navigating health care is difficult even when we are at our best. When we are ill, a member of an underserved or marginalized group, or have a rare disease, the challenges are exponential.

ERDC develops and distributes practical simple tools for patient populations to improve outcomes in their health care visits with providers and understanding medications and therapies. Our tools help patients and loved ones gain confidence and agency as they seek to access care. Our flagship tool, the Hospital Emergency Advocacy & Treatment Kit (HEAT Kit) is available free to anyone impacted by one of the rare diseases we serve.

We do not seek to duplicate what is being done by the many terrific organizations serving people with eosinophilic and rare diseases. Instead we have focused on aspects of service that complement and fill a gap while directing patient populations to other organizations and resources. 

If you know of an organization that should be added to the Resources page please be sure to let us know by filling out the form on our Contact page. We play well with others and want to be sure you have access to ALL available resources.